Thursday, April 17, 2014

Thursday April 17th

Reminder~~ Closed Monday April 21st Patriot's Day~ Thanks!


B~ Pancakes, apple slices, milk
S~ Vanilla yogurt, bananas, water
L~ Pizza, broccoli, milk
S~Orange slices, cheezit-type crackers, water

We read Curious George Takes a Train and 5 Little Monkeys With Nothing To Do today. We played with oobleck (cornstarch and water) which becomes this melt-y drippy substance as it changes from solid to liquid in your hand-- mesmerizing stuff!

The kids decorated some egg shaped paper with markers and bingo dabber markers.

We went out this morning and I have to say the wind made it really cold! Especially after our really warm weather the other day! The sun was warm when the wind died down luckily, but still :-)

Wednesday April 16th

B~ Oatmeal with peaches, red grapes, milk
S~ Applesauce, cinnamon graham crackers, water
L~ Grilled Provolone Cheese sandwiches, broccoli, milk
S~ Mango, saltines, water

Today we listened to Ode to Joy. They looove it so much they requested to hear it 11 more times, yes they listened to it 12 times!! They jump up and down, clap and cheer and applaud at the end. It is truly amazing and cool to watch them!!

I do let them watch the screen because we talk about the instruments and the people's faces. We watched this several months ago and they loved it then and I was pleasantly surprised to find that they still do!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Tuesday April 15th

B~ Pancakes, red grapes, milk
S~ Bananas, cinnamon graham crackers, water
L~ Elbow macaroni with Marinara sauce, green beans, bread and butter, and milk
S~ Fresh mango, ABC cookies, water

We played with water in the sensory table today, built with magnatiles, rode the cars and read Curious George Makes Pancakes. Lucily we got outside this morning, it was really mild and the rain had stopped :-)

Monday, April 14, 2014

Monday April 14th

B~ Pancakes, bananas, milk
S~ Vanilla yogurt, bananas, water
L~ Deli Honey Ham, buttered green beans, bread and butter, milk
S~ Red grapes, shortbread ABC cookies, water

What a beautiful day! We played with the magnetic dress-up dolls, read books, built with the foam blocks and rode the cars.  We went out after morning snack and stayed out til lunchtime.

The kids are asleep now, and the windows are open and lovely fresh air is pouring in :-)

We are planning to have a picnic snack when Alana gets home from school!

Friday, April 11, 2014

Friday April 11th

B~ Pancakes, red grapes, milk
S~ Bananas, ABC shortbread cookies, water
L~ Pizza. broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, milk
S~ Oranges, townhouse crackers, water

We read Minerva Louise about a silly hen, danced to Hap Palmer and built snowmen out of playdough. It was mild weather, smells of rain and it was great to get outside again!

I will try to get a new usb cable this weekend and see if that fixes the photo problem.

Thank you for everything, I feel lucky to have you and your children in my life!
Have a great weekend!!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Wed and Thursday

B~ Blueberry Pancakes, bananas, milk
S~ Vanilla yogurt, pineapple, water
 L~ Honey ham, cheese sticks, broccoli, bread and butter, milk
S~ Red grapes, townhouse crackers, water

B~ Blueberry pancakes, bananas, milk
S~ Cheddar cheese, townhouse crackers, water
L~ Pork chops, applesauce, peas, bread and butter, milk
S~ Orange slices, cinnamon graham crackers water

Sorry I am still having no luck with the photos. The camera keeps crashing the computer when I am trying to upload.
I will be getting a new cable to see if that solves it

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Tuesday April 8th

B~ Cheerios, bananas, milk
S~ Red grapes, townhouse crackers, water
L~ Homemade chicken nuggets, fresh-cooked broccoli, turnip, bread and butter, milk
S~ String cheese, townhouse crackers, water

I cannot get the computer to upload the photos. I will continue to take them and hopefully I will get it figured out. ~ Sorry

Monday, April 7, 2014

Monday April 7th

B~ Cheerios, bananas, milk
S~ Vanilla yogurt, fresh pineapple, water
L~ Elbow macaroni with homemade meat sauce, brussel sprouts, milk
S~ Apple slices, crackers, water

I can't get the photos to upload, I will try again later

Friday, April 4, 2014

Friday April 4th

B~ Blueberry Pancakes, bananas, milk
S~ Vanilla Yogurt, tricuit crackers, water
L~ Pizza, broccoli, milk
S~Apple slices, saltines, water


Logan, getting a new playdough toy

Logan mowing with both lawnmowers

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Thursday April 3rd

Hi sorry I did not take any photos yesterday, for meals we had
B~ oatmeal with cinnamon and raisins, pineapple, milk
S~ Saltines with avocado dip ( no one liked it), carrot sticks,  water
L~ Home made chicken nuggets (using corn grits for the coating because I forgot to buy cornflakes, but they were good!) mashed potatoes, broccoli, milk
S~ Apple slices, ABC cookies, water

B~ Blueberry pancakes, bananas, milk
S~ Vanilla yogurt, fresh mango, water
L~ Grilled Muenster  cheese sandwiches, buttered peas, milk
S~ Pineapples, ritz crackers, water

The weather keeps improving! I hope we are on a trend!!! Brendan brought his Frozen soundtrack cd for us to listen to today- thanks!! The cushions were stacked and climbed on and all the pop-tents: tunnel, firetruck and basketball hoops were out today. We got outdoors from shortly after morning snack to shortly before lunch so over an hour this morning and we will go out after our next snack as well.

Just a few outside pictures today, sometimes I need a break from the camera!

Brendan hoisted this over but threw it down before I got the shot. It is for a bike ramp but they love dancing on it as a stage and also as a base for sand creations

Daniel loves to throw rocks and pebbles into the woods

Daniel is strong he actually pulled Brendan for a little ways!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Tuesday April 1st

 B~ cheerios, bananas, milk
S~ Cheddar cheese, triscuit-type crackers, water
L~ Macaroni and cheese, buttered broccoli, milk
S~ Apples, saltine crackers, water

Wow March flew by!! The weather was great today, the best we've had in a while! :-)

Brendan completed the fire truck all on his own, did not even ask for help once :-)

Jack needed a puzzle- this one was hard though

Jack didn't mind, he liked carrying the puzzle piece around

Moon sand

Daniel knocks his tower down

Logan was determined to master the slide today

Jack at the grill


Daniel and Brendan



Our first crocus! Behind the sunporch

Logan went up and down the slide TWELVE times today- and yes, I counted :-)