Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Tuesday February 28 2012

It is hard to believe, but a year ago today Dave had his bypass surgery.

What the children did.....

One of the few pictures I took yesterday: Addison, Lelia and Charli on Phaedra's lap reading Mother Goose

Tucked away in the corner :-)

Brendan loves his Mickey

Today Brendan used the puppets

Addison setting up the restaurant

Alanah brought in a nice piece of cardboard for us. It was decorated and  there were ideas from making a dressing room, to Rapunzel's castle. They finally used it as the ordering counter at McDonald's

Charli and the water

Lelia all dressed up

Brendan with yellow and blue fingerpaint- he made green!

Weighing rocks


Addison, Phaedra and Lelia "at McDonald's"


Charli's favorite besides the bells- the hex-nut driver

Brendan practices snapping

Charli with the bells,  note the hex-nut driver on the floor

Lelia spins

Addison is wearing an apron

Addison as the witch

Charli filling a basket

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Friday February 24, 2012

Today we.........
Played in the playroom

Addison, Joey, Brendan and Charli


Outside before the snow changed to rain!

Lelia trying to catch a snowflake on her tongue


Brendan trying to catch a snowflake

Addison trying to catch a snow flake

Lelia, Addison, Joey and Phaedra

Brendan brushing snow from the car

Joey and Phaedra

Lelia and AJ

Brendan deciding if he is coming in with us :-)

Listening to a story- they like to sit in the chairs

Brian is reading to them!

Joey with the Bird Song book. Each bird has 3 numbers under it and pushing the button to the corresponding number results in hearing the bird song- the Kindergartners are starting to match these numbers up with just a little help!

Charli and Joey

Addison, Lelia, Charli (waiting patiently) and Joey

Brendan gets his chair

Phaedra, AJ, Lelia, Charli. and Brian

Brendan with his puppet

Charli, Lelia, AJ, Joey and Brendan

Phaedra with the Bird Song book

Brendan with the counting activity

Younger children can just match the glass beads to the dots, as they develop their counting skills they can practice counting as well as one-to-one correspondance

Joey wanted a Monster Jam Truck puppet, so we decided to make one!

Dave drew the truck and Joey and Brian colored it in

Brendan said it was okay for AJ to join him, Lelia looks on

Joey with his truck puppet and Brian

Joey really likes his truck puppet!