Thursday, July 21, 2016

Coming back to this blog

I have decided to add to this blog again. 
I tried other things because the photos weren't uploading properly.
I have cut back on the amount of photos I take, so between that and trying to post fewer photos at a time, should help alleviate any future issues.

Since my last blogging, I have become increasingly interested in nutrition.  Some of my biggest sources of information come from the Weston Price Foundation which promotes slow food, whole foods, cultured foods (fermented), and nutritionally dense foods that were eaten in the past~ before all the processing and added chemicals in our food. Weston Price was a dentist who traveled the world investigating what traditional cultures ate-- people who had not yet been exposed to the commercial food industry.

And through my yoga, I have also been learning about Ayurveda which is the "science of life"  Ayurveda is the "sister science" to yoga.

This is an ancient medical system from India which dates back thousands of years. The primary tenet of Ayurveda is eating foods when in season, and that proper digestion is essential-- if we cannot digest our food, even if we eat the most healthful foods, we will not gain the benefits.

As I continue to learn, the more evidence I uncover that poor digestion and elimination are the root causes of all sicknesses- including behavior issues.

Finally, I would like to share a family farm in Franklin which I discovered recently: Hoffmann Farm, Daniels St, Franklin MA
They are a young family that raises and sells organic vegetables, raw milk and fresh eggs.

I was speaking with the farmer, Nick, and he told me that
growing vegetables organically, keeping them watered in this drought and also keeping the  deer from eating them has been very challenging; so he is leaning toward focusing more on raw milk and eggs.

They currently have 3 cows and a calf, and his ideal is a herd of 10 cows. 

A small enough number that he can really know them and manage them. 
He uses no antibiotics or growth hormones with his cows. The standards for the sale of raw milk are much higher and more extensive than for dairies who sell to milk plants such as Garelicks, they have to be much more sanitary than average dairies. The cows at Hoffman Farm graze in the pasture- eating what cows are meant to eat! They are happy, healthy cows! Their milk is delicious!

So, I am very happy to have found them ~and if you are interested in trying raw milk for your family's health, I will be happy to pick some up for you. He currently charges $5 for half a gallon and $10 for a gallon-- which is half the price I was being charged for raw milk from a different farm in Foxboro years ago.

Plus Hoffman's run a small farmstand 10am to 6pm and raw milk can be picked up there any time-- (the other farm required pre-ordering and specific pick-up times, which required too much organization for me lol).