Monday, July 30, 2012

Monday July 30, 2012

B~ fresh baked corn muffins, scrambled eggs, strawberries and milk
L~ cheese pizza, veggie mix of broccoli, cauliflower and carrots, milk
S~ Stoneyfield French Vanilla yogurt and fresh blueberries

This morning some of the kids helped me mix up a batch of corn muffins for breakfast. The floor puzzles were very popular.

I forgot the camera inside when we went outdoors- but our friend, the Frog, has returned!
We watched it swim for a while. I am feeling  if it is that determined to hang out at our pool we should probably let it! lol I don't think Dave agrees though.

We made lots of mud meatballs and other goodies in the sandbox. We had circletime and sang Over in the Meadow with the book and talked about the Olympics:  The best athletes have come from all over the world to compete in London England. First place is a gold medal followed by silver and bronze. Also, the Olympics is held every four years, so we talked about how old everyone will be next time- Charli and Ivy will be 5 years old! Hard to visualize now :-)

Brian just came in with a baby frog!...apparently our frog is a mom :-)

Today's pictures from this morning

Brendan and Clover- they wanted to sit at the big kitchen table

Ivy with the water

Charli gets herself a smock

Charli puts the smock on by herself!

Ivy and Brendan

Alanah, Addison, Joey, Charli and Clover

Charli, Joey and AJ with the Bob the Builder puzzle

AJ and Ivy with the toy garage

Joey measures himself against "Bob"

Bob the Builder is almost as big as Brendan

Clover pouring her milk at breakfast

Addison pouring her milk

Decorating the cardboard piece with the circle opening. Dave's brother came to help fix our car and our niece Emily played for a while, she is 6yo

Charli, Brendan, Joey, Emily, Addison, Clover (hidden) and Alanah

Now the box is a bean bag tossing game- and Alanah gets the yellow bean bag in!

The baby frog!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Friday's Teddy Bear Picnic

B~ french toast with maple syrup or honey, scrambled eggs, cantaloupe and milk
L~ Pb and jelly, or PB and honey sandwiches (Ivy had cheese) strawberries, milk
S~ Teddy Grahams, cherries, filtered water

Very muggy today, the mosquitos drove us inside- bug spray and all

Alanah and Ivy in the box


Ivy Clover Joey and Alanah


But I want to stand in the way

Joey and the "campfire"

Joey and Clover

I read them the Teddy Bear poems and chants

Brian and Alanah


Clover and Joey

Birthday party for the stuffed animals

Brian has the dog blow out the candles

Teddy Bear Picnic, lunch on the porch

Ivy did great sitting on the blanket- she only got up once--searching for more strawberries :-)

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Thursday's Teddy Bear Picnic

B~ Scrambled eggs, french toast (with honey and/or maple syrup) cantaloupe, milk
      Bears like honey so most of us tried our french toast with some :-)
L~ Picnic on the porch  Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, (Alanah opted for pb & honey, Boog had               a cheese sandwich) cinnamon apple slices, and milk
S~  Teddy Grahams and blueberries (bears love blueberries!)

Lots of fun today, it was great seeing everyone's stuffed animals :-)

Boog- she wanted to wear her hat


Addison and her Clifford

Brendan and his Teddy Bear

Playing restaurant

Phaedra has lost her 3rd tooth!

And her fourth tooth is loose!

Lelia and her bears

Boog with Smokey the Bear

Lelia and her Care Bear

Everyone! Brendan is cuddling his bear

Giving Clifford a ride on the truck




Phaedra found a tiny blue flower


Phaedra decided to have an "Art Show"

Brendan's art

Lelia's art

Phaedra's art

Addison's art

Charli's art

Yay! Charli claps with everyone

Alanah's art

Big boxes are fun!

Decorating the lid to the butterfly house

Who is in there Brendan?

Addison and Lelia in the box

The hole from making the cover

Alanah made the firetruck puzzle

Teddy Bear Picnic on the porch

This afternoon we had a Teddy Bear Picnic snack outside

Boog checking out what is under the bin

Brian and Phaedra playing football

"The macaroni and cheese is ready!"

"I want some! I have extra cheese!"
One set of chrysalides inside the butterfly habitat

This year's habitat is a new black mesh wastebasket. I used to have the insect lore habitat but was frustrated because the white mesh made it nearly impossible to see the butterflies inside! We made last year's from a box and window screening which was fun too

This year we decorated the circle of cardboard for the cover. On the inside is a picture of the sun for the butterflies :-) When they emerge from their chrysalides we will add flowers and fresh fruit