Friday, July 6, 2012

Friday July 6 2012

B~ Cheerios, organic strawberries, milk
L~ kraft mac and cheese, corn on the cob, zucchini from Cook's Farm Stand, milk

Today was Pajama Day again to give everyone a turn, but I messed up and did not tell "everyone" Sorry!
We will have it again next Thursday and Friday to make up for my mistake :-)

It was a really pleasant day! We read many new books from the library out on the porch:
3 Billy Goats Gruff, Seven Chinese Sisters, Mary Had a Little Lamb, Puddles, The Flea's Sneeze, Over in the Meadow, Louie's Search- And yes, all of them one after the other. They kept asking for another! :-)


One, two, three......



Phaedra and her butterfly

Joey going over his design with water

Phaedra and Lelia

Brendan and Joey

Joey, Brendan and Phaedra

Lelia, Brendan, Joey, Phaedra

Joey trying to get Elmo to spin- and it worked!


The boys

Brendan hauls the basketball

Lelia transported water in her  her croc shoe:-)

Today Lelia called herself "The Water Daughter"

Basketball with Brian

Joey and his butterfly

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