Thursday, January 31, 2013


B~ Cheerios, clementines, milk
S~ Apple slices, triscuit-style wheat crackers
L~ Macaroni and cheese, mixed asian vegetables: summer squash, red peppers, broccoli, water chestnuts, toasted garlic bread- they liked it! 12-grain bread and butter, milk
S~ Clementines, 12 grain buttered toast

I took advantage of the warm weather to shut off the heat and have the windows open today. They were open for several hours so I am hoping as the fresh air came in, out went the germs!  I have been doing extra bleaching as well.

We also have these space-age looking air cleaners called Germ Guardians. There is one in the arched window opening and one in the playroom. They have special uv bulbs which are supposed to kill germs, hospitals use this technology.
The bulbs had burnt out and we just got the replacements a few days ago. When you are practicing prevention, it can be hard to tell if something works, but I do know that shortly after the bulb went out was when I got sick so I am hopeful that they do help.

I am also completing my 30 hours of training required by licensing, I need 10 hours more, . I was on the fence as to which course to choose and because of all the sickness  I am going with a 12 hour course entitled Managing Health and Safety. It is offered online and I plan to start on it this weekend.

We got outside today when the wind died down! It was muddy but nice to be outside :-)

Addison with the unicorn puppet from the library, Jack and Lelia

Addison and Jack- he is really raising himself up!

Brendan pours beans

Lelia, Addison and Jack

Daniel loves splashing in the water

Water colors

Outside! Daniel

Lelia and Brendan heading over to climb the cube climber

Jack and Addison

Brendan and Lelia


Wednesday, January 30, 2013


B~ Cheerios, clementines, milk
S~ Bananas and graham crackers, filtered water
L~ Grilled cheese on 12-grain bread, corn, green peas, milk
S~Kiwi and tricuit-style wheat crackers, filtered water

Alanah put together the new solar system puzzle and she and the other kids spent time naming the planets (they are labeled).  Addison asked to polish today and now we have some gleaming silver as Charli and Lelia followed suit.  The yard was muddy but we took advantage of the warm temps by walking up and down the street and getting some fresh air.


Addison polishing the tea set

Charli polishing


Charli and Lelia

Daniel has discovered the cushions

Addison attempts a circle with the large triangles, it always leaves a small gap and she tried to hold them together

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Happy 2nd Birthday Charli!

B~ Cream of Wheat, raisins and brown sugar, bananas, milk
S~ Clementines, triscuit-type wheat crackers, filtered water
L~Home made pork spaghetti sauce, from scratch; Ziti, green beans, 12-grain bread and butter, milk

Charli is two years old today- Happy Birthday Charli!!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Multicultural and Diverse Ability Dolls

B~ Home made oatmeal with raisins, banana slices and milk
S~ Fresh strawberries, graham crackers, filtered water
L~ Home made chicken soup, 12 grain bread and butter, milk
S~ Kiwi, home made blueberry muffins

This morning we checked out our worms, and they are in there wiggling- so that is good! I ordered some kids books on worm composting from the library and I am looking forward to sharing them with the kids.

Today, I introduced the multicultural families and diverse ability dolls, and they've been played with throughout the day. The families include grandparents, parents, 3 children and a baby. The kids played with those for a while before asking for the last box of people with diverse abilities.

The diverse abilities people include a boy  in a wheelchair with a basketball , an elderly woman with a walker, a blind woman with a cane, a deaf woman, a girl with an eye patch and a man with leg braces and crutches.

I gave a brief explanation of each diverse ability. It has been found that  more acceptance is achieved when children are exposed to differences at a young age. Having these available opens the door for discussions and conversations which also include how we are all the same as well.

This morning I introduced the multicultural families

Hanging out on the cushions while I set up Jack's blanket

Jack rolled over and played for a few minutes

Fitting the cylinders of  2 sets

Charli with two of the diverse ability people

Charli has people inside her building