Wednesday, January 30, 2013


B~ Cheerios, clementines, milk
S~ Bananas and graham crackers, filtered water
L~ Grilled cheese on 12-grain bread, corn, green peas, milk
S~Kiwi and tricuit-style wheat crackers, filtered water

Alanah put together the new solar system puzzle and she and the other kids spent time naming the planets (they are labeled).  Addison asked to polish today and now we have some gleaming silver as Charli and Lelia followed suit.  The yard was muddy but we took advantage of the warm temps by walking up and down the street and getting some fresh air.


Addison polishing the tea set

Charli polishing


Charli and Lelia

Daniel has discovered the cushions

Addison attempts a circle with the large triangles, it always leaves a small gap and she tried to hold them together

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