Wednesday, January 23, 2013


B~ Shredded Wheat cereal, kiwi, milk
S~ Honey Graham crackers, fresh blueberries, filtered water
L~ Home baked chicken, rice, Asian mixed veggies, broccoli, bread and butter, milk
S~Fresh baked orange cinnamon rolls, fresh strawberries, water

We made bird feeders today and put some water outside to see what would happen. We added sunflower seeds to the water, and we will hang it in the tree and see how long it lasts.

We've done this "ice sculpture" with sequins in the past but I wanted to see if the seed would still be edible for the birds and squirrels after it melts.

Yesterday afternoon: Alanah's city

I found some square plates to go with the cups, Alanah arranged them

This morning Ivy with the cups

Lelia spreading peanut butter for the birdfeeder

Lelia, Charli, Danny and Addison

We used toilet paper tubes, pb and sunflower bird seed

I filled 2 cake pans with water, then we added bird seed and a hanging string

Danny with cups

The sun is nice!

Squirrels and birds discovered the feeders within an hour!

The soon to be ice sculptures

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