Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Tuesday December 31st

S~ cheerios, bananas, milk
L~ Kraft macaroni and cheese, mixed veggies, milk
S~ Banilla Organic Yogurt, red grapes, water

I love when they decide to read :-)

Making New Year's "firecrackers"

This is what happens when you are making firecrackers and the markers are in reach....

Alana assured me the marker will come off if Logan takes a tubby :-)


Monday, December 30, 2013

Monday December 30th

Reminder- I will be closed on Wednesday for New Year's~ Thanks!

S~ Banilla Organic Yogurt, Red Grapes, filtered water
2nd snack~ Homemade biscuits with butter
Lunch~ Perdue Chicken Nuggets, Multi-grain bread and butter, mixed veggies- broccoli, carrots, snap peas and water chestnuts, milk

Today we opened a few items that "Santa" left. I waited until today so we would have our regular group of children.  Most years I hear about families being overwhelmed with gifts (toys), so Santa leaves them here where the kids can get a lot of use from them.

Today's photos
Morning snack

The new Curious George floor puzzle

Logan and Alana

Our new Very Hungry Caterpillar colorforms

Logan and the little  Christmas tree


Our new Dragonfly floor puzzle

Lunch with Brian

Friday, December 27, 2013

Friday December 27th

Reminder: I will be closed Wednesday January 1st

B~ Cinnamon rolls brought by Alanah- thank you! Clementines, milk
S~ Gingerbread Houses, bananas, water
L~ Spaghetti with or without Ragu sauce and cheese- their choice; Perdue Chicken Strips, Broccoli Cauliflower and Carrots, milk
S~ Clementines, crackers, water

It was wonderful to have Alanah, Phaedra, Lelia and Clover come to visit today!
It was like they never left! :-) It was really great to see them all- and they were happy to see each other, to see how much Daniel has grown, and to meet Alana and Logan.

They fell back into their favorites of dressing up and dancing to the Beatles and then the Nutcracker, pig-piling on Brian, and we made Gingerbread Houses as well. During rest time they drew pictures and played in the playroom.

Have a great weekend!