Friday, November 30, 2012

Friday November 30, 2012

B~ Cheerios, bananas, milk
S~ Applesauce and fresh baked dinner rolls with butter, filtered water
L~ Fish Sticks, baked beans, green beans, home-style French fries, corn and bread and butter, milk
S~ Orange slices and Banana Smoothies

This week flew by- and so did the month! Tomorrow is December! The children have been making snowflakes like crazy, we will fill each room with them :-)
This morning, Charli and Ivy were cleaning. it seemed every time I turned around they had the mop, broom or feather I watched them, I was wishing the "cleaning instinct" had not evaporated in my teenagers!

Cutting out snowflakes

Addison, Alanah, Phaedra working on snowflakes, Lelia with her baby, and Boog taking a break from mopping to check out the sand in the sensory table

Now Boog checks on the babies

Ivy's decided to mop- they also like to hang the feather duster from the drawer knob

Lelia, Charli and Addison was using stencils

Ivy and Boog

Addison took her name tag and copied her name onto her paper all by herself- and all her own idea :-)

The cleaning crew- they need to give my kids lessons! :-)

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Thursday November 29, 2012

B~ Shredded Wheat cereal, bananas, milk
S~ Applesauce, raw carrots, filtered water
L~ Spaghetti with Ragu Robusto sauce, turkey, corn, turnip, bread and butter, milk
S~ Orange slices, Buttered English Muffins, filtered water

We have more snowflakes as Phaedra. Alanah and Addison continue to cut them out- we are planning an "indoor" blizzard :-)
We've noticed how Jack Frost has come and left everything frosty and sparkling. We've also noticed that we can see our breath in the mornings at the bus stop.We found ice outside today too, on the swing seats and in our green wagon. We fed the birds.

Tonight I have the annual renewal of my CPR and First Aid certifications. I get to visit the preschool where I used to work though- so that helps knowing I will see old colleagues! :-)

Breakfast under the snowflakes

Charli with balloon, Addison cutting a snowflake, Lelia and Brendan with sand

Yesterday the sand was dry and flowing. Today water was added so it could be molded.

"Don't take my picture"- but he looked so good I had to

Addison sat down to draw and within 2 minutes everyone had joined her


Ice in the green wagon

Stepping on the ice from the wagon

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Wednesday November 28, 2012

B~ Cream of Wheat with brown sugar, orange slices and milk
S~ Apples and cinnamon, wheat crackers, filtered water
L~ Breakfast for Lunch- Scrambled eggs, French Toast, buttered broccoli, orange slices and milk
S~ Bananas

Today we were very busy cutting snowflakes from coffee filters, we also started some Christmas crafts.
There is sand in the sensory table. We had a circle and some songs we sang were "Mary Wore Her Red Dress" singing their names and colorful clothing item and also "Old Shoes, New Shoes".  We've been singing Suzy Snowflake and Frosty the Snowman as well as listening to Christmas music. I have a cd out from the library a "Caribbean Christmas" which is instrumentals only with a great reggae beat.

Phaedra, her magnatile building, and Charli

Lelia, Ivy and Addison with the sand

Later on back at the sand....

This afternoon, Charli and Ivy with the shape puzzle

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Tuesday Nov 27, 2012

B~ Cream of Wheat with brown sugar added, orange slices, milk
S~Stoneyfield organic strawberry yogurt, bananas, filtered water
L~ Turkey, mashed potatoes, turnip, carrots, buttered rolls, milk (Dave cooked Thanksgiving yesterday)
S~ apple slices, home baked blueberry muffins

Snow! We went out in it today but we discovered that the slide was "very" wet and we had to go in for dry clothes. We tried catching snowflakes on out tongue- it's fun, I hope you give it a try today too!

AJ, Lelia, Charli and Phaedra with the wood farm

Alanah in reindeer antlers, with the princess magnetic dress-up


Brendan and Lelia all dressed up

Charli fixing the blanket for her baby doll

On the "work mats"

AJ with the brown stair, Charli with the shape stacker, and Brendan with the pink tower

Lelia with the garage and doll house family


Lelia catching snowflakes on her tongue

Addison catching snowflakes on her tongue

Discovering snowflakes on the side of the tree

The slide didn't "look" wet


This afternoon: AJ, Joey, Alanah, Boog and Brendan

Writing on the chalkboard

"Now how do you spell 'Charli'?"

Joey writes Charli using her name magnet :-)