Tuesday, April 30, 2013


B~ cheerios, cantaloupe,  milk
S~ Apples, graham crackers, filtered water
L~Grilled Cheese, Campbell's tomato soup, corn, milk
S~ Graham crackers, bananas, filtered water

Lots of sunshine again today!

Brendan with the camera and all dressed up

Charli in the "rock star" hat

Jack likes the trucks

Sometimes carrying the wheelbarrow is more efficient

Hanging out on the "big chair"

Monday, April 29, 2013

Monday- Tipi and rototilling

B~ Toaster waffles, cantaloupe, milk
S~ Applesauce, graham crackers, filtered water
L~ Home made spaghetti sauce with sweet sausage, mini-ziti, bread and butter, veggie mix- snap peas, water chestnuts, carrots, broccoli-, milk
S~ Strawberry yogurt, fresh strawberries, filtered water

This weekend I set up the frame of the tipi, the goal is to cover it with canvas...we'll see :-)
We also had the garden area rototilled so hopefully the nice weather is here to stay and we can start putting things in the ground! I've put the seedlings on the porch to start acclimating them.

We spent most of the day outdoors today. We read "Move!" and "If You Could Hop Like a Frog"
We also played "Going on a bear hunt". 

We transplanted violets from the garden area

Watering the transplants

Balls and the slide

Ivy went up the ladder many times today!

And down the slide!


Friday, April 26, 2013


B~Toaster Waffles, fresh strawberries, milk
S~Vanilla yogurt, fresh strawberries, filtered water
L~Home made Chicken Soup, Apple slices, wheat bread with butter, soup crackers, milk
S~Bananas and graham crackers, filtered water

Jack is pulling himself along now!

Stacking cups

The cars and garage

Everyone- Lelia, Daniel, Boog, Brendan, Jack and Addison

Go down the slide and then...

get your mower!

Heavy lifting

Putting the batter in the oven

Our picnic table needs a new board

Lelia put 2 hoppity-hops in the box and got in- then her foot was stuck :-)

Brendan's favorite part was tipping over

The teepee (tipi) for our scarlet runner beans

They wanted to see if Jack would fit

Afternoon picnic on the porch

Back outside!