Monday, July 23, 2012

Monday July 23, 2012

B~ scrambled eggs, cinnamon toast, bananas, and milk
    Blackberries outside
L~ grilled cheese sandwiches, corn, milk
S~ Stoneyfield French Vanilla yogurt, blueberries, filtered water

Today's pictures- it was a busy day!

I cleaned out a closet this weekend so there are new toys in the playroom :-)    
AJ and Boog

Brendan, Clover and Ivy

Joey and Brendan

Charli, Alanah, AJ, Joey, Ivy and Brendan

Addison and Clover

Charli, Clover and Joey


Clover and Joey

The sand is popular


Where's Brendan?

Where's my toy spoon?

Here it is

Looking for blackberries

Charli and Joey

Brian and Alanah

Brian, Joey, AJ, Clover and Alanah

Brendan, Ivy and Charli

Addison has the ball!

Brendan has the ball!

Back inside


They were so hungry they barely spoke :-)  Football works up an appetite!

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