Saturday, February 4, 2012

Thursday February 2 2012

Groundhog Day- Puxsutawney Phil saw its shadow! Six more weeks of winter.
This is the 100th time the groundhog has seen it's shadow, it did not see its shadow 16 times, and 9 times they did not record it either way~ you learn so much working with children! :-)

Paint and glue between pieces of wax paper, tomorrow after they dry, we will cut them into heart shapes to hang in the windows

Lelia. The paint was thick, it did not move around as much as I envisioned

Phaedra. She is wearing a lovely veil from home.


We had ziti for lunch. Charli loved it!

She had put the ziti tube on her thumb and was laughing about it, but of course she had taken it off by the time I had the camera :-)

After school! Joey. Lelia, Addison, Phaedra and Alanah

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