So I have decided to do a combo of this blog and a picasa web album.
The blog will highlight the learning and the web album will have all the rest of the photos.
The children have watched this youtube video of a screech owl. We have one living by the house, and Brian and I decided to investigate and find out what kind it was.
We had only heard the owl, so we went to youtube.
It was very cool because when we found it, we took the laptop outside and played it~ the owl replied and flew over twice! (I was just thankful not to be attacked lol) The children have been requesting it, and I told them I would send the link to you, so that you could see it too.
And yes, it sounds exactly like that.
Brian and Dave have built a nesting box for it~ we hope it moves in!
We have been working on our Practical Life Skills, we serve ourselves as much as possible, spooning out the veggies from the serving bowl, pouring juice, setting the table. Dressing ourselves, putting on our own shoes and socks and as many self-help skills as we can muster :) Care of the Environment is part of this, and I have been adding more things for the children to do, and they love it! In fact, Hunter is our resident vacuum-cleaner guy :)
Today, Alanah sliced strawberries to be served with breakfast and she set the table with plates and glasses, then served the strawberries to the other kids.
After breakfast, the dishes were washed. Joey and Phaedra had a spray bottle of plain water, and washed the panes on the door. Lincoln sliced bananas for snack and set the table~he let Hunter help, supervising him :)
Helping to prepare and serve food creates a "caring community" Montessori-style~ which means young children do it too.
Everyone is loving Lelia and she is adjusting nicely :) Soon, we won't remember when she was not here :)
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