Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Tuesday September 18, 2012

B~ scrambled eggs, french toast, banana slices and milk
L~ Rolled up deli ham, whole wheat bread and butter, peas, tater tots and milk
S~ Watermelon

Today we had colored rice in the sensory table, the kids really enjoyed using it. We printed the star from the apple by dipping the apple core in red paint and stamping onto paper. The weather looked like it would rain at any second but we had fun outside.

Lelia counting out the glass beads

This is a home made Montessori activity

Brendan helping with breakfast

Kids like doing real jobs- Maria Montessori first noted this over 100 years ago- and it is so true!

Addison beating the eggs

Alanah and Phaedra counting out the beads

Charli and Lelia at the rice table

Charli, Brendan and Alanah

Charli, Addison, Brendan and Alanah at the rice table

Phaedra helps by sweeping up the rice

I made a spiral from the rocks
This is a very Reggio Emilia  inspired image

Lelia and Brendan with the wooden farm and blocks- they picked it all up when they were done. It helped that they could not take out anything new til it was all put back in the basket :-)

Stamping stars with red paint and apple cores. The stars did not show up wonderfully- but the process was fun

Brendan enjoys the tractor more this way!

Charli, Addison and Lelia

"Would you like an ice cream? It is chocolate!"

Walking in for lunch


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