Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Tuesday September 4, 2012

B~oatmeal cooked with apples and raisins, cinnamon apple slice, smoothies with banana and organic strawberry yogurt
L~ macaroni and cheese, corn on the cob, milk
S~ grapes and graham crackers, filtered water

We had a busy morning after going to the bus stop. The children did lots of playing with dress-ups, the firetruck and tunnels plus the dolls and magnatiles are some that come to mind.

We had a parade with all the musical instruments, we all got a turn to lead- including me :-)

We read a stack of books- Curious George, Little Mermaid easy reader, B is for Bulldozer, a non-fiction book on frogs and toads (we looked at the photos),
Hello Baby! and Babies in the Bayou- both about animals

We had circletime, we sang The name of the days song- There are Seven Days in a Week and "Hello to ___, how are you on Tuesday?" After they answer about how they are- so far everyone has answered "good"-- I ask them if there is anything they'd like to tell us.

Boog says "Good" and today she hummed :-)  Brendan doesn't usually like me to sing his name but participates- as long as I don't sing to him LOL  Today he was ok with the singing and told us "rocket" and then how he saw Santa. Addison talked about when she fell down and went bonk, and Lelia talked about Charli :-)

We also did some fingerplay type chants with the alligator puppet and small animals as props, and then another "There were 5 Little bunnies in the bakery shop..." They made me do that one about 5 times LOL
The complete fingerplays are in a link on the right

It was great fun and the morning flew by- rain and all :-)

Alanah with the "jellyfish" in a bottle

Addison with the glitter in a bottle- it is mesmerizing :-)

Phaedra, Charli and Lelia

Charli, Lelia and Brendan with the wood farm

Addison all dressed up and building a garage for her truck- Queens can do anything. I had asked her if she was a Princess and she told me "No, I am the Queen" :-)

Charli and Brendan with the tent he made from the play-mat

Lelia all snuggled up in the hammock

Charli wanted the tunnel, so I opened it up

Addison and Lelia inside the basket ball game- they often prefer to use it as a tent

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