Friday, February 8, 2013

Friday Boog and Ives

B~ Cheerios, bananas, milk
S~ Greek Vanilla yogurt, Nilla wafers, filtered water
L~ Scrambled eggs, French Toast, fresh blueberries, milk

Charli and Ivy played with the funnels and water today and tried out the new watercolor paints.
We read "Hey Ant" and "Thunder Cakes"  We listened to Thumbprints a music cd by Bev Bos.
She wrote the kids art book "Don't Move the Muffin Tins" about basic, process over product, art for young children.

Today's photos, including a bunch from yesterday afternoon

Stay safe and warm in the storm!! At least we have the weekend to dig out!

Yesterday Boog dressed up and Alanah helped her change her boots

Addison with the Prince and Princess puppets

Our own royalty

Danny playing away on the piano-- it sounded good!


Today looking out at the first snowflakes of the blizzard to be

Ivy and Charli try out the new watercolor paints

Charli putting on the goggles

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