Thursday, February 7, 2013


B~ cheerios, bananas, milk
S~ Greek vanilla yogurt, graham crackers, filtered water
L~ Grilled cheese on whole wheat bread, Home made chicken soup, green peas, milk
S~ Apples and pretzel crackers, filtered water

I ordered a bunch of new paint, along with paint cups, new brushes and more paper. The kids had fun looking at it all late yesterday afternoon and today they got to paint. We have some really beautiful artwork that they created. I also got some new colorful funnels for the sensory table and they used those today as well.

Bellingham schools have already cancelled for tomorrow due to the impending snowstorm.

I will be open, but may close early depending on how things develop ~ if they are as bad as they are predicting-- we know how the forecast will change another half dozen times before tomorrow! :-)

Lelia's painting

Phaedra's painting

At the water t able

Alanah's painting

Daniel and Charli with the scattered shape sorter

Addison starts her painting


Ladybug Charli


Dressing up the magnetic dolls

Charli paints

Lots of concentration!

Charli types on her keyboard on the shelf of the playstand

The princess puppet finally arrived at the library and I picked it up last night

Daniel spins the globe as AJ puts on a show

Lelia watches the puppet show, we all took turns

Danny lays back and shakes his instruments

Charli lays down too

The Princess and the panda

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