Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Tuesday October 15th 2013

B~ Home made waffles with the waffle iron, cantaloupe, milk
S~ Stoneyfield Banilla Organic Yogurt, bananas, water
L~ Gorton's Fish Sticks, rice, fresh cooked broccoli, bread and butter, fresh mandarin oranges, milk
S~ Apple slices, graham crackers, water

We have 5 little pumpkins. They liked holding them, carrying them and we played the 5 Little Pumpkins Sitting on a Gate poem with them.  I told the Corduroy flannel board story today. We took a walk and saw cool Halloween decorations and the excavator lift a huge concrete block with a circle in it [for a drainage system] where they are getting ready to build a CVS across from Walgreen's.


Jack walks over to the truck

Made it!

Toby holds the balloon from the tied end

Checking under the seat

Balloon picture- but missed the balloon

Brendan's building

There's a built-in "pocket" on the chair and Jack is filling it

And then taking the blocks back out

Danile names the numbers on the beads, Brendan is cutting velcro fruit

Jack pulls the magnet toy apart

Then puts it in the basket, repeat :-)

Cute Mr. Potato-Head style pumpkins we saw on our walk

On the grass at the gazebo watching excavators

Brendan loves to hang- I ordered the geodome climber it is supposed to arrive in the next few weeks

Daniel has started twisting the swing- untwisting it is harder for him at this point :-)

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