Monday, February 10, 2014

Monday Feb 10th

B~ Oatmeal, clementines, milk
S~ Cream cheese, saltine crackers, water
L~ Home made Chicken Soup, broccoli, carrots and cauliflower, bread and butter, milk
S~ Cantaloupe, crackers, water

Ivy brought some Highlight magazines with games to share- thanks Ivy! We talked about patterns today and how we can make them with shapes, numbers, people, colors- anything that repeats!

FRIDAY there is no school in Bellingham so it will be Pajama Day!!
Thursday can be Pajama Day as well for those who won't be here--- and honestly, any day your child does not want to get dressed can be pajama day :-)
(Just please still provide clothes and gear appropriate for outdoors)
Our hyacinths are doing well!

Jack finishing up breakfast

All done!

Magnatiles in the sunshine

Jack's drawing

Out we go!

Here comes Logan!

Brendan is on the climber

This afternoon Brendan chose to make a pattern

He made this himself, using the card,and very minimal instruction from me!



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