Sunday, February 23, 2014

Photos from Feb 13th~ February Vacation Week

This was a quiet week! I will be glad to be back to our regular schedule!
Here are the photos:

Magnatiles- Jack, Logan and Daniel

Ivy with her design

Jack and Logan


Friday lunch

Tuesday- Daniel and the dinosaurs

Building with the foam blocks

Wednesday- Alanah came to visit!!

Lots of glitter, lots of glue

Brian, Alanah and Daniel in the tunnel

Out in the snow! It was pretty warm! Alana and Logan in front, Daniel and Alanah in the back

Logan, Daniel, Alanah and Alana

Doing some art while the younger ones slept


Thursday~ Jack is back!


Friday~ Ivy is back!!

Matching the amount of buttons on the snowman to the number on the hat

Our rainbow of balloons- pink was our purple

Everyone loves balloons- even Toby and Brian

Static electriciry-- sticking balloons to Toby's fur

Around and around and around we go

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