Thursday, September 29, 2011


Today at the bus stop we made up a color recognition game, my umbrella has rainbow colors, so I spun it around singing a song and when it stopped over one of the children's heads they had to say which color it was.
It was fun and good practice, so we will repeat this on other wet days :-)

We have been having bananas at breakfast. I talked to them today about how bananas have potassium which is something our body needs to stay healthy.

I did not get any photos but Addison and Lelia had fun with the puppets today when everyone was at Kindergarten. Charlotte watched the whole thing intently as the girls waved the puppets about.
                                     The mornings are like a ballet!

                                            Charlotte and Addison

                                                 Addison and Dolly
                                               Here comes Lelia
                         We did yoga today while  Charlotte was asleep.
 I have yoga cards for the preschool-set with photos on the front and a poem on the back.  I read them the poem as they do the pose. This is Squirrel:
                                     "When I stand upon my knees
                                       And pause to look around
                                       I can gather lots of things
                                  To store beneath the ground"
                       Frog- it is a tricky one. Phaedra has it mastered.
               "I am frog I sit and squat I wait for flies That I can spot.
            Then I flick my tongue so fast The fly is gone within a flash"
                 Butterfly- "When the soles of my feet are kissing
                                   My legs form a diamond shape
            When I spread my elbows like wings A butterfly I do make"
              Dog- "I am dog And when I yawn I push into the ground
                              My tail goes up   My back gets long
                       My arms stretch straight My head hangs down."
                             Cobra- "I press my hands. I lift my chest.
                                          I send a slither up my back.
                                   My shoulders wide. In kingly stance.
                                       Beware to all I might attack."
                                     Lion- "I can hide Silent and still
                                        When I crouch down low...
                                                    (I count to three)
                                   "...But when I pounce I roar out loud
                                           So everyone will know"
                                                       Child's Pose
                            But the cards call it Mouse: Chest on thighs
                                 My chin tucked in I close my eyes.
                                              I rest within.
                                 Just like a mouse curled in a house
                                        Where nobody has been."
                                         We end with-Do Nothing Doll--
                                      "Nothing to think Nothing to do
                                        Doing Nothing is good for you"
                      Then I "check for floppiness" to help them to see
                        the difference between tightening their muscles
                                and just being relaxed and loose "floppy"
              Rolling up the mats, they are real mats that I cut down- 
                             we use them for everything, not just yoga

                                      Later we did some cutting
                                    Phaedra wanted to make snowflakes

                            Argghhh matey the pirate pals have arrived

                          Addison designed this dress-up with the scarves

                                                Blowing raspberries
                                                  Lelia and Addison
              The playsilks are awesome, they are used for everything :-)

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