Tuesday, September 27, 2011

What did we do today? Well, there was alot of problem solving and learning to wait.  We have some beautiful dress-ups and when someone has the one we *really* want it can be hard to wait.  So what do we do?  We tell our friend that we would like the next turn; and our friend tells us that we can have it as soon as they are finished.

This is a very respectful way to handle things.  As an adult we would not want a co-worker to rush up and grab the stapler out of our hand demanding that we give it to them; of course, if they let us know they needed it when we were through, it would make us feel much differently- more willing to share :-)

Other benefits are that the children learn that they *will* get a turn, they learn to develop and use their language and negotiating skills.

Children are empowered because they learn that it is ok to say no and still be a friend (this is huge when they hit high school and are being asked to take all sorts of risks) so it is good practice.

I also see empathy when a child decides 'on their own' that the other wants the item more than they do.  And the children are learning to be respectful of others rights- as well as their own.

This is why I love working with children- there is *so* much growth and learning in the seemingly smallest things :-)

*Please note that photos can be enlarged by clicking on them~ and another        click makes them even bigger*

                                                Our morning dance

                                      Charli enjoying the pretend food

                                       Look who's in the books :-)

 Princess Addison---the girls were very happy that she brought this beautiful dress!

                                     Phaedra washed the playroom dishes
            Lelia had to wait for a turn to wash dishes (remember this Kate!)
                                      Phaedra helps with the smock
 Addison also had to wait and happily enjoys her turn--and boy do we have clean play dishes!
                             Streamers have been rediscovered and loved

                                                Someday Charli...

 The girls discovered dandelions- which must be the most beloved of childhood flowers~ this is why I let them grow  :-)
                                        Lelia finds a fluffy one and blows!

 Addison pulled the blossom off Lelia's flower She apologized and made amends by finding Lelia another one :-)
                     Lelia is pleased - and I could see that AJ felt good too :-)
                                                          Big push
                                                  Off the blanket
                                                    Pumping gas

When we came inside after bring Phaedra to the bus, Addison said "there's a bird" and pointed. We were *inside* and though I did look where she was pointing I did not see anything and so thought she was talking about outdoors.

When we came back inside for rest time, a movement caught my eye and there was a bird (a carolina wren in fact) sitting on the playroom window!

It was fairly frightened so I did not snap any photos, but we opened the playroom windows and shut the door. Then I decided to try to see if it would land on the bristles of the broom (we have had birds inside before but they usually stay on the porch!)  When I went toward it, it flew to the front window, sat on the curtain rod and out the window! Phew! :-)

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