Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Wednesday October 26

This morning we made bracelets, but we managed to drop them all over the floor- so we will try again another day :-)  Later we glued some jack-o-lantern faces on pumpkin shaped paper.
Addison, Lelia and I also made some Oatmeal Raisin cookies for afternoon snack.

Just a quick reminder:  Many parents are arriving at the same time of day. If you have been making a 3 point turn in the driveway, then pulling in front of the house~ thank you!  If you have been forgetting, please do! This makes it easier for everyone to pull in and out- I know it is difficult turning around down here!

I also appreciate your support with not allowing children in the front seat of cars and other safety precautions while cars are coming and going--Thanks!


Addison with her school bus full of people


Phaedra: What do you want me to cook?

Making bead bracelets

We did great til the end- we need better string

Charlotte is busy moving around

Taa Daa Addison and her jack-o-lantern

Taa Daa Lelia and her jack-o-lantern

Phaedra working on hers

Taa Daa Phaedra cut out her own eyes,  nose, mouth and eyebrows for her jack-o-lantern

In the playroom

Phaedra spent a long time with the house and people today

Addison had fun playing at trick or treating, she was casting a spell with her wand

Lelia with her wand

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