Monday, October 3, 2011

Monday Oct 3

                               This morning Addison and Lelia wash babies
                                               As Phaedra draws

            When the children wash babies with different skin tones,
             it helps accustom them to knowing that everyone's skin
                          has a certain color and cannot be washed off

                            Charli has cut her first tooth- last Thursday :-)

                                               Lelia said to Addison:
                                "The Joey doll should marry the ballerina"          
                                  Phaedra and the hammering design toy
                                           Working on her raspberries

                 Lelia had made a face and said this is my "mad face"
                  for some reason the server would not upload it lol-
                        Addison heard her and said  "I am happy"
                                                And so is Charli
                                 Phaedra works her magic on Charli
                                              Streamers outside
                                            Phaedra whirls and twirls

                            Addison is off to the store- want anything?

                        Charli investigates some grass stuck to her hand

                                     Lelia drove over to the store with AJ
                                                  Charli looks on
                                   Lelia has been interested in zippering
                  She made several valiant attempts- then I got it started
                                     And Lelia pulled the zipper up
                                               Great job Lelia Belle!
                  (I call her that sometimes and today she told me to lol)
                                           AJ the butterfly hunter
                                      Charlotte tries out the swing-
                                   she is holding a maple leaf, she loved it
                                                         Too cute

                                I'll give you a push Addison! says Lelia
                               Afternoon snack, Charli at center stage
                                   Can you see all those apple smiles :-)

                   Alanah gave me a beautiful picture of a rainbow
                      I told her a Knock Knock joke to get a smile:
             Knock Knock; Who's there? Rain. Rain who? Rainbow
     This evoked a flurry of knock-knock jokes from the kindy kids:-)

                                  Joey plays peek-a-boo with Charlotte

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