Saturday, April 7, 2012

Pajama Day Friday April 6 2012


Phaedra with her hammered design- a mom pushing a baby carriage

Getting ready to make playdough- Brendan chose yellow

All the ingredients and the photo recipe card

MaryAnn, MaryAnn mix the batter in the pan
And for our boys- Dapper Dan, Dapper Dan, mix the batter in the pan...

...mix it thick...

I helped Charli stir and was a bit apprehensive when I let her go solo for the photo- but look how well she did!!

...mix it thin...

...mix it any way you can!

The children played while I cooked the dough and when it was ready they used it warm

Lelia caught on film... Charli had tried eating it too finally so now she is watching :-)

Alanah and Phaedra are carrying a long chain of pop beads
We used the beads plus our glitter pom poms for an "egg" hunt

Charli had just woken from her nap before we went outside

Brendan goes down the slide

Lelia are you peeking as Phaedra hides the "eggs"?

"Yup, she is peeking" says Alanah

Lelia! LOL

A shopping cart full of "eggs" to hide

Addison would rather rake than hunt for eggs

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Phaedra's turn to hunt- down the slide she comes!

Lelia is ready to hunt too

Brendan climbed up on the glider himself! It took a few attempts but he did it!!

Alanah's bridge pose. We did some yoga while the pizza for lunch was baking


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