Friday, April 13, 2012

Wed-Fri April 11 to 13

Wednesday morning while I was preparing breakfast Charli decided that she would like to sit in a chair at the table like the big kids~ and so she did!

Charli ate in her chair

Toast tastes better at the table :-)

This activity allows the children to dress the dolls in various outfits
Alanah with the wooden farm. She assembled the barns

Thursday~ Charli is right in on all the activity. Here the girls have built a road puzzle and are now driving cars around on it

Friday~ Phaedra and Lelia's mom Kate brought us some chia seeds to make a pudding

We mixed them with almond milk, brown sugar and vanilla

They absorb the milk and turn into a tapioca-type pudding

We'd let it rest for 10 minutes at a time and it got thicker and thicker. Chia seeds are full of nutrients.  They enjoyed making it, eating it was a 50/50 mix. The taste was good (mild and sweet) but I think the tapioca-type texture can be a turn off.

Brendan is using a magnetic construction set

I love when they are all busy at the table

They really become engrossed and focused on what they are doing

We like to play a "What's missing?" game where we set out 3 toys, cover them with a cloth and take one away. Usually after a round or two, the kids take over so I grabbed the camera

The children guess which item is gone

It was the block. We had "B" words- binoculars, block and bird book

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