Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Tuesday November 5th

B~ Cheerios, bananas, milk
S~ Apples, graham crackers, water
L~ Home made Ziti with hamburg and Ragu sauce, fresh-cooked broccoli, milk
S~ Fresh pears, graham crackers, water

The kids seemed to like the new set-up. I can tweak things as needed based on the children too.
My goal was to create a more open and safer space for climbing on the cushions and gross motor play/movement  in the playroom. I will add more cushions in as the week progresses.

I ordered a geodesic dome climber a few weeks ago and they had said it would be delivered by tomorrow- we'll see :-)  Hopefully it will arrive this week and we can build it over the weekend. I think they will really enjoy it. The older ones can hang from the bars and climb it, the younger ones can crawl through the openings, walk inside etc.  It should be fun for dramatic play as well by throwing some sheets over it to create a house, fire station or whatever else they come up with!

We read "What Do Dinosaurs Do When They Get Sick" (something like that, they have a whole series that the kids enjoy) and we also read many lift-the-flap books together.

Brendan has been into taking my picture this week :-)

Pompoms, the best part of picking them up- is dumping them out again!

Jack was dragging the magna-doodle behind him as he walked along

Jack holding the toy clock


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