Thursday, March 6, 2014

Thursday March 6th Parking Reminder

Hi, please remember to turn in the driveway and then pull up in front of the house so that other parents may do the same.  Also, with the snow, pull as close as possible to the side so other cars can pass by you.
It is quite a challenge to turn around down here so this is the reason for the parking policy, and your cooperation makes it easier for everyone. Thank you! :-)

B~ cheerios, bananas,  milk
S~ Vanilla yogurt, fresh strawberries, water
L~ Ellio's pizza, peas, corn chowder (not a hit), milk
S~ Red grapes, alphabet crackers, water

It is interesting that the cushions are always out now and they are mostly used for sitting and climbed on in place, but today they decided to pull them away from the wall and made some cool ramps and jumping games.

Logan reaching for the computer keyboard

Alana, Logan and Daniel

Alana teaching math

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