Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Tuesday March 4th Montessori Geometric Solids

B~ Pancakes, bananas, milk
S~ Apples, saltine crackers, water
L~Gorton's fish sticks, rotini pasta, green peas, milk
S~ Strawberries, vanilla yogurt, water

Today we played with the moon sand. We did several games that involved throwing-- one was throwing bean bags into hoops on the floor, and even attempting to throw the hoops onto our big rocket.

We had the Montessori Geometric Solids out today. Brendan and I played a game where a couple were put into a bag and he had to find the one I asked for by feel. We tried sphere, cube and ellipsoid.
Here are the names of the geometric solids-- I had to look them up to make sure I labeled them right :-)

Brendan mixes the pancake batter for breakfast

The Montessori color box 3


Logan with the magna-tiles

Jack with my cell phone case

Daniel and Brendan with the geometric solids

They are made of wood and are quite nice

Daniel was very interested in them

Moon sand!

Tossing bean bags into hoops

Daniel and Logan

Jack with the magnets

Brendan decides to wear the hoops

Tossing the hoops onto the rocket

We needed the chairs to hold the rocket up or it would tip when we hit it

Logan with a hoop while Daniel drills

Ivy brought us a great sturdy tube yesterday- Jack was loving it

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