Tuesday, September 17, 2013

B~ Cheerios, bananas, milk
S~ Fresh peaches, triscuit mini's, water
L~ Grilled Cheese, Campbell's Tomato Soup, Snap peas/broccoli/carrots, milk
S~ Stoneyfield Organic French Vanilla yogurt, plums, water

We took a walk today, they will be putting a new neighborhood off of Pulaski Blvd, but they are not working there right now so we checked out the big machines that were parked there. We saw a front end loader, and 2 excavators, plus a special box-shaped machine that screens loam. We also threw some rocks in a few giant puddles that were there. I let Brendan out of the stroller to climb on a "boulder" it was about 3 feet tall.

Jack still enjoys jumping around- for a short time at least

Brendan with his Curious George books that he wants me to read

Daniel :-) He loves the metal stick used to strike  the triangle instrument

Brendan with our new Billy Goats Gruff props that I found on Etsy

A Montessori activity- outlining a puzzle piece with a paper punch

The world map puzzle pieces are typically used for this- he has Africa- but we've used other shapes as well

The Montessori cylinders- for Jack I removed the smallest pieces

Daniel reads Brown Bear, Brown Bear

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