Thursday, September 12, 2013

Thursday September 12th-- Alanah came to visit tonight!

B~ Cinnamon toast, cinnamon apple slices, milk
S~ Vanilla yogurt, bananas, water
L~ Chef Boyardee spaghetti and meatballs (I was going to make homemade but it was just too hot)
      snap peas, apple slices, milk
S~ Fresh mango, saltines, water

We read "Love You Forever" by Robert Munsch, Goodnight Moon and several repetitions of "Brown Bear, Brown Bear" today. We flipped over the tabletop in the playroom and used the lego side of it, which they really enjoyed.

I've really been shifting gears from "essentially all girls" to "essentially all boys". I like it! but it's been an adjustment mostly because I miss the kids who left terribly- I think I keep expecting them to come back.
Alanah is actually visiting me tonight though! She called and said she misses me and is coming over :-)
I try to be professional but it so hard letting them go! If throwing myself at their feet and begging them not to go would have worked, I would have done it though ;-) Ah well, I am working through it.

Anyway, I've been focusing on sensory and gross motor play. And as always, we read books, sing songs, and do fingerplays. We also work on self-help skills daily- through our built in routines of handwashing, clearing the table and recently putting on jackets, that seems so far away again in this heat lol Most times I forget to mention things like that because they are such a part of our day.

A very real bonus of the smaller group size is being able to take walks, when this heat subsides I plan to continue with those. It is nice for all of us to get out and there is lots of learning and observations as we talk about everything we see along the way :-)

I ran around Jack so I could get a front shot of his walking

Self-help skills, feeding yourself (I helped with most of the yogurt but let him do some-yes this is only "some")

Brendan made "a great big dinosaur"

Love you Alanah!

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