Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Tuesday June 17th

Parking Policy:
I have been thinking, and now that the RV is not here there is more room.
So when you arrive you may park in the driveway- provided there is one empty place so others can still turn around. We can give this a try and see how it works out for everyone.

B~ Corn flakes, bananas, milk
S~ Peach yogurt, cinnamon graham crackers, water
L~ Deli Baked Turkey, broccoli, cauliflower and carrots, bread and butter, milk
S~ Red grapes, wheat crackers, water

The kids are loving the new kitten- so far Zelda is her name- we shall see if Brian changes his mind again!
She really likes the kids too, I am glad :-)

We played with water outside they loved it, it felt great!
If you have not sent in bug spray please do so as soon as you can. The mosquitoes are out in force!

Brendan loves building houses- love his chimney

Zelda compared to the toy cat

We got out the hose after this :-)

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