Friday, August 23, 2013

Friday August 23, 2013

B~ English Muffins, cantaloupe, milk
S~ Blueberries, dry Cheerios, filtered water
L~ Freschutta Frozen pizza, broccoli/cauliflower/carrots, milk
S~ Strawberry yogurt, blueberries, water

We had a water leak in our basement from the main. The town workers came right out this morning to fix it and were awesome but we had some yucky looking brown water most of the morning- thank goodness I have a great Berkey water filter already filled with clean water!

Dave has connections in town through his volunteer work (he is a big part of CERT  (citizens emergency response team) and so while he had the town guys here he mentioned the awful potholes on our street and they sent a truck right over! I am still in a bit of awe over this- especially since one pothole was massive.
So big thanks to Dave! - and the Bellingham Town workers :-)

Today is Clover's last day for the summer.  As always, she has been a pure pleasure to have here and we all love her dearly. We are hoping she can come again next summer, as well as  looking forward to seeing her when she comes along to pick up Ivy throughout the year.


Watching the water department workers find the pipe

Daniel reads a book atop the cushions

Hide and seek, Ivy finds Brendan hiding in the corner

Brendan just fits in the space between the cabinet and wall in the playroom

Now Clover squeezes in too- Brian gets credit for these photos

The best toy I have:  Brian!!

Pig pile!

Clover fills her dress with pom poms

And out they fall! Only I missed them cascading down- they fall fast!

Baking a cake together

Clover, Daniel and Brendan

Meanwhile Ivy is picking some pink grass we have

"This is for you!"

Clover and Ivy


Great balance! He was standing straight up but started to climb down before I snapped the shot

Hard to make out in photo but a tiny spider made a big beautiful web last night

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