Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Tuesday August 13th

B~ Cheerios, plums, milk
S~ Cinnamon toast, blueberries, filtered water- Teddy Bear Picnic on porch
L~ Macaroni and Cheese, broccoli, cucumbers, milk
S~ Home made Blueberry Muffins, strawberries, filtered water

Today we did some more building with the Alphabet blocks- we made a column or tower.
We did face painting- looks like we'll have just enough paint to finish out the summer!
Outdoors there was a light sprinkle but we couldn't even feel it under the trees!

Setting up for "camping"

Addison cleaning up the wedgits building toy

Charli cleaning up after breakfast

Alanah plays the triangle- we've learned about vibrations through this instrument

Brendan wore his monkey-- so Boog had to as well

Clover added the veil, Ivy is thinking "no"

Ivy butterfly

Fancy Clover

Alanah Aquarium

Charli butterfly

Brendan's monkey

Addison Angel

Teddy Bear picnic


Brendan runs to get a bucket for Clover

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