Friday, January 31, 2014

Friday January 31st

B~ Shredded Wheat, bananas , milk
S~ Cheddar cheese, cantaloupe, water
L~ Frescheutto Cheese Pizza, corn. broccoli, red peppers, milk
S~ Red grapes, triscuit crackers, water


They all decided to look at books

Ivy's "ballerina bun"

Let's Dance!

All ready for outside-- I didn't bring the camera out today


Afternoon snack

Updated Holiday Closings for 2014

Hi Everyone,
 I have updated the dates for 2014, and the Holiday Closings link is on the right.

Please note that in lieu of Veteran's Day this year, I will be CLOSED on Friday May 16th.
Tuition can be left by Thursday May 15th and postdated to May 16th-- thank  you!
(I will remind you when the day approaches)  
I will be OPEN on Veteran's Day this year instead.

Again, this list is always available in the link to the right-- thanks

2014 Holiday Closings List

Monday January 20~ Martin Luther King Jr Day

Monday February 17~ President's Day

Monday April 21~ Patriot's Day

FRIDAY MAY 16th Closed in lieu of Veteran's Day

Monday May 26~ Memorial Day

Friday July 4th~ Independence Day

Monday September 1~ Labor Day

Monday October 13~ Columbus Day

OPEN this year-Tuesday November 11~ Veteran's Day

Thursday and Friday
November 27 and November 28~ 
Thanksgiving Day and day after

Thursday and Friday
December 25 and December 26
Christmas and Day After

Thursday and Friday~~ (will poll families about Friday)
January 1 and 2nd~ 
New Year's Day and Day After

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Thursday January 30th

B~ Shredded wheat, red grapes, milk
S~ Bananas, animal crackers, water
L~ Chicken breast, rice, broccoli, carrots, snap peas, bread and butter,  milk
S~ Cantaloupe, saltines, water

Today we started making a holder from a shoebox and paper towel rolls for our puppets- I only had 2 rolls though and need 4 more, so if you have any to donate I would love them. We can use any extras for other things- plus more puppets can stand up. I could use a few more adult-size shoeboxes too, if you happen to have any.

I have also discovered that the rolls inside of tin foil and plastic wrap are nice and extra-sturdy so when you use them up, I will take those as well. These can be used in blocks to extend the building among other ideas.

And speaking of recycling :-) I am always in the market for paper-- it is ok if it is written on one side, the kids don't mind and sometimes they even incorporate it into their drawing. Boxes, bubble wrap or any other cool recyclable is welcome too- if in doubt just ask me.

I've started a pre-literacy project of labeling things. We did this at my preschool but I've been sort of loathe to tape "door", "window", "shelf" etc all over my house.
I finally came up the solution of using heavy cardstock and
a) folding it so it can stand
b) hole-punching it so it can be hung with string and
c) magnetizing it for the metal surfaces like the play kitchen.

Now the kids can read the labels and begin to make connections between words and things- and I can take them all off easily :-)

We got outside today! 15 minutes to get ready and almost 25 minutes outside :-)

Brendan with the farm

Enjoying a book together- Curious George' ABC's


I rolled it into a nice big ball at Brendan's request


Peeling the banana for snack

Picking up the blocks- they are almost done!

Brendan slicing the banana for snack

Our new literacy labels

Our new puppet stand- we need more paper towel rolls and a few more shoe boxes and we can display most of the puppets!

Dinosaurs and jungle animals

Outside! Logan


Jack climbing in and Brendan climbing on

Daniel and Logan

Daniel didn't keep his mittens on long


Jack, Brendan, Logan

Coming in for lunch

Brendan and Daniel

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Wed January 29th

B~ Oatmeal with brown sugar, cantaloupe, milk
S~ Red grapes, animal crackers, water
L~ Kraft Mac and Cheese, pizza rolls, broccoli, carrots, milk
S~ Pears, Saltines and water

Today we read Sylvester and the Magic Pebble and Goodnight Moon. We played many, many rounds of Ring Around the Rosy :-)

Yesterday afternoon

Today~ Ivy Jack and Logan

Daniel loves to jump!
