Friday, January 31, 2014

Updated Holiday Closings for 2014

Hi Everyone,
 I have updated the dates for 2014, and the Holiday Closings link is on the right.

Please note that in lieu of Veteran's Day this year, I will be CLOSED on Friday May 16th.
Tuition can be left by Thursday May 15th and postdated to May 16th-- thank  you!
(I will remind you when the day approaches)  
I will be OPEN on Veteran's Day this year instead.

Again, this list is always available in the link to the right-- thanks

2014 Holiday Closings List

Monday January 20~ Martin Luther King Jr Day

Monday February 17~ President's Day

Monday April 21~ Patriot's Day

FRIDAY MAY 16th Closed in lieu of Veteran's Day

Monday May 26~ Memorial Day

Friday July 4th~ Independence Day

Monday September 1~ Labor Day

Monday October 13~ Columbus Day

OPEN this year-Tuesday November 11~ Veteran's Day

Thursday and Friday
November 27 and November 28~ 
Thanksgiving Day and day after

Thursday and Friday
December 25 and December 26
Christmas and Day After

Thursday and Friday~~ (will poll families about Friday)
January 1 and 2nd~ 
New Year's Day and Day After

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