Thursday, January 9, 2014

Thursday January 9th

B~ Cheerios, bananas,  milk
S~ Strawberry yogurt, triscuit crackers, water
L~ Gorton's fish sticks, FF, zucchini, milk
S~ Red grapes, pretzel crackers, water

I was able to get a lot more photos today!


Jack with the 3 Billy Goats Gruff set

The roots are growing on our hyacinths!

Daniel found a comfy spot to read

We brought the bike back in, now we have to take turns

Logan chose the goose

Jack with the ramp and truck

Brendan removes the wheels from the goose


He put them back on~ and I tightened them :-)



Brendan making a silly face at himself- he had been looking at the globe and discovered "Frog-land"- where the Leap Frog sticker is 

Afternoon snack

Alana all dressed up

Alana wanted a picture with Logan but he wanted to play

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