Thursday, May 15, 2014

Thursday May 15th

B~ French Toast, scrambled eggs, bananas, milk
S~ Bananas, graham crackers, water
L~ Fish Sticks, corn on the cob, broccoli, bread and butter, milk
S~ Apples, cheezit crackers, water

Thank you all so much for being so wonderful about me closing tomorrow! I really appreciate it more than you know.
I will be teaching a one hour practicum yoga class at some point between Friday and Sunday. When I  get over being nervous it will be fine :-)

The boys were busy today, they enjoyed playing out on the sunporch this morning. Brendan and I read "Germs" today, it was a cute story about Pox who didn't want to make children sick, included the immune system, and at the end the little girl became known as "the child who never gets sick" because Pox teaches her immune system. It was for older kids but he still liked it :-)

Daniel playing with Brendan's building

Brendan cracks the eggs for the French Toast


Playing on the sunporch

Logan claps for Daniel

Here he goes!

Brendan really wanted to use the rope, it's not always available

He exclaims "I'm ok!" And he was :-)

Have a wonderful weekend, and thanks again!!!

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