Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Tuesday May 20th

B~ Pancakes, bananas, milk
S~ Kale chips (homemade), grapes, triscuit crackers, water
L~ Perdue Chicken Nuggets, rice, carrots, corn, broccoli, cauliflower, milk
S~ Mango, saltine crackers, water

We had a great day. I made kale chips for morning snack, they all made a face when they saw them, then when they touched them, they were very crispy so they gave it a try...then there was a lot of phhhhts as they tried to get it out of their mouths LOL I am glad I tried but it was not a hit

I forgot to bring the camera outdoors today but took a lot when we were inside so maybe it was better that way. They continue to love the little slide and it is fun watching them play together and wait their turn and laugh :-)

Toby likes balloons too


Brendan was letting go of the balloon and quickly catching it again before it sank


Jack takes the dinosaur for a walk

Brendan drew a face on his balloon

Daniel pedals

They love the jug of colored water, it is great for "heavy work"

The jug is also great for upper body strength- Brendan twirls with it

Daniel, Brendan and Jack- they made a "hill" out of the cushions

Brendan put the horse to bed :-)

Jack loved the birthday cake

Daniel was cracking these two up

Daniel would put his head down

Then Daniel would lift his head and sit up and they thought this was so hysterical! It was fun to watch them laugh

Logan with the Dado building blocks

Jack with the dinosaur book

Brendan :-)


I built this to show them and they placed the last block - taaa daaa!!!

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