Friday, August 24, 2012

Friday August 24, 2012 Playground

B~ cheerios, apples and cinnamon, milk
S~ ritz crackers, raisins, filtered water
L~ grilled cheese sandwiches, red grapes, milk
S~ Greek vanilla bean yogurt, cantaloupe, water

Today we again took advantage of the low numbers this week and took a walk to the playgrounds around the South School

Alanah and Clover with the alligator puppet from Franklin Library

Ivy sitting on the flip-chair

Clover playing out the Alligator fingerplay

For this one we chanted 5 little animals sitting by the tree, teasing Mr Allligator, can't catch me! Can't catch me! Along came Mr Alligator quiet as can be SNAP goes he Now there are 4 little animals....etc

Ivy with the dishes

Clover at the South School playground

Clover and Alanah



Joey swinging from the bar

A shady spot behind the school to sit and have a snack. Ivy had to be enticed over with a cracker- she did not want to leave the playground :-)

The Kindergarten play yard

The tire swing had been thrown on top of the pole-- the janitors must have got it down. The kids were very happy about this because I was unable to get it down

Clover helps out by giving them a push to get started

Later, Joey spins Alanah


Ivy with her water

Alanah, Clover, Joey


Clover and Joey

Alanah and Ivy- they loved the pea gravel

Ivy and Alanah

We couldn't get Ivy to look up, she kept dropping her cup and looking down at it

Even taking the cup and Joey enticements didn't work lol

Onto the "shady swings"

Clover had been swinging but decided the sand was more interesting  :-)

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