Monday, August 27, 2012

Monday August 27, 2012

B~ cinnamon french toast, scrambled eggs and canned peaches, and milk
L~ turkey breast on wheat bread, veggie mix of broccoli, cauliflower and carrots

Addison and Charli are back from vacation and Phaedra and Lelia are returning to the school-year schedule so we had 8 friends here today! It's been really fun :-)

Addison and Charli with the new clock and dolls

Cinderella! Sweep the floor!!


Alanah with our new flowers

Clover and Ivy

Lelia and Phaedra



Clover and Addison

Charli and Phaedra


Charli and Ivy


Clover. Lelia and Phaedra


Firefighters Joey and Clover

Alanah beating the eggs


The kids got to demonstrate a pose if they wanted to  Clover- the candle pose

Lelia- a rocking pose

The toddlers are more interested in playing but they did a few poses

Joey -cobra He calls it the puppy

Ivy makes her way through the mats

The table

Alanah- child's pose or mouse

Addison- the frog pose

Phaedra and Joey

Phaedra, Joey, Alanah

Duck, duck, goose!

Everyone got a turn before they ended the game to play in the sandbox


Once Boog was in the wagon she stayed there

Ivy spent over half an hour in the sand

She was quite busy and content and would look at what the others were doing

Helping bring Ivy in for lunch


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