Thursday, August 30, 2012

Metamorphosis- Our Painted Lady Butterflies

Here is the sequenced collection of our caterpillar to butterfly photos  :-)

The caterpillars on July 20th

The caterpillars on July 24th
July 25th--Just one caterpillar still crawling on top, in jar on left
July 26th-- Chrysalides!

The caterpillars forming "J's" on July 25th
More views from July 25th
Decorating the cover for the butterfly habitat

Phaedra and Alanah decorating the lid and Charli
The completed cover with a sun drawn on the "butterfly" side

The butterflies!

This is the closest we got to seeing one actually emerge from the chrysalis

Brian and Alanah watching the new butterflies

We brought in hydrangeas and put a cotton ball and honey water in a tiny cup

We took one last good look at our butterflies before we brought them out to release them

The plastic wrap on top made it much lighter inside the habitat

Outside- a few butterflies are already at the top

Carefully removing the plastic

Phaedra had one land right on her shoulder

If we put our finger out very slowly and gently, the butterfly would crawl on to it!

Clover with the second habitat

And we are ready to release the next 5 butterflies

Alanah holds one carefully

It stayed there for a long time!

Then it flew into the grass and Clover tried to get it to climb onto her finger

Clover has the butterfly!

We love our butterflies! Sometimes we still see one fly by when we are playing outside!

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