Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Wednesday August 29, 2012 First Day of School!

B~ cheerios, fresh strawberries, milk (Phaedra had cooked 10 grain cereal)
L~ grilled cheese sandwiches, zucchini, tomato soup to drink
S~ watermelon, graham crackers, water

Boy was it quiet here today! Especially after yesterday's full house!
Alanah, Phaedra and Joey are so big now! First graders wow! :-)

We read The Pirates ABC book, the kids really like it. We made a mess from the porch to the playroom but we cleaned it all up before we went out today. Outside, I picked up the overflow of toys out there, and it is looking *much* better! :-)

My baby is in 8th grade now!


Phaedra and Lelia
Charli, Phaedra and AJ
Off they go!
They never looked back :-)

Boog inside the firetruck

Lelia, AJ and Brendan. Addison is holding the kids clock

Addison and Lelia playing with the robin puppets from the library

AJ is the mommy robin and Lelia has the babies in the nest-- they were spoon feeding the birds and Addison said the mother robin had to go to the grocery store for blueberries- worms were yucky

Charli and Brendan with the race track

Brendan, Lelia, Addison and Charli

Now to fix some people food

Outside! We found a slug on the football :-)
Lelia, Brendan, Charli, and AJ waiting for the bus
Here's Joey!

Alanah and Phaedra

The girls look tired but Joey is so happy to see his dad!
Joey's dad, Al and Joey
Our three 1st Graders!

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