Monday, August 20, 2012

Monday August 19th 2012

B~ Eggo waffles, scrambled eggs, blueberries and bananas, milk
L~ macaroni and cheese shells, steamed broccoli, milk
S~ Cantaloupe

Today's pictures

Clover building

So tall! Great job :-)

Alanah's horse stall

Ivy is loving making faces

Alanah and Clover wanted to move Clover's building over several inches- they pushed v_e_r_y  s_l_o_w_l_y  and were able to move it, without it toppling over! Teamwork at it's finest :-)

Ivy coloring

Ok I will keep the crayon on the paper


Joey "reading" to Clover

Love this :-)

Alanah reading her book

Clover with Robert Soboda's pop-up Wizard of Oz book

I have books in the cabinet as well, and they love looking for some in there

We thought Ivy wanted to get down from the chair. So Alanah helped her down, but Ivy climbed right back up again--what she was trying to tell me was that she had a poop- awww--it was taken care of  :-)



The Rock Star

Ivy and the dirt

Joey swinging high!

Joey and Alanah

Clover hanging the purple streamer

More dirt

In the sand-pile

Cushions on the porch while lunch is cooking

Big Hug!

Clover got a turn with the rainbow cushions- Ivy got more hugs

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