Monday, December 10, 2012

Happy Monday!

B~ Cheerios, fresh cantaloupe, milk
S~Kiwi and whole wheat Ritz crackers, filtered water
L~ Home made Chili (mild) everyone tried a few bites, Lelia and Brendan had 2nds, buttered egg noodles, buttered corn and milk
S~ Cabot Greek Vanilla Bean Yogurt, kiwi, filtered water

The kids loved the snowman decoration and tree. As usual, they were happy to see each other- and it is nice to have Addison and Phaedra back! Phaedra and Alanah wanted to perform the Nutcracker ballet, they even tore up paper for tickets, but we ran out of time for a performance before breakfast and the bus.

We read Lots of Latke's and ZooBorns today. We had a circle and sang a bunch of songs including Frosty, Jingle Bells, the Itsy Bitsy Spider and If You're Happy and You know It. We have more snowflakes in the windows, they love cutting them! Ivy's mom, Pam brought in some nice cardborad tubes for us- thanks!! The kids all played with them, They loved that they were held together by elastics. They used them as telescopes, megaphones and Brendan used them as a matchbox car chute- and that's just so far- they'll be more ideas too :-)

Breakfast, it was great to have everyone back!

Ivy pointed at the man in the picture and said "daddy" :-)

Lelia looking at the globe

Brendan with the magnadoodle and Charli watching the birds outside

That is a sunny smile! Love it!

Red Riding Hood Lelia off to Granny's with her basket of goodies

Addison cooking for her friends and sister

Charli. Brendan, Addison and Ivy

Brendan trying to remove the lid

Brendan and Ivy pretending to eat

Charli and Brendan

Lelia wanted to lie down, but Ivy wanted to be alone

So Lelia covered her up "comfy, cozy"

Addison tries tying the shoe

Brendan and Lelia

Ivy's cooking

Charli with her doll and the pet carrier- she was a bit disappointed that the doll would not fit

Addison with the stuffed animals and birds- she told me "I am playing Disney on Ice!"

Lelia's creation

Ivy, Charli and Brendan

We tried the big dinosaur floor puzzle but it is a challenging one~ we needed Alanah! Charli with tubes, Ivy, Lelia, AJ and Brendan.

Charli- the dress is still long on her

Charli dancing with the baby doll

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