Friday, December 14, 2012


B~ Cream of Wheat with raisins, cantaloupe, milk
S~Stoneyfield Organic French Vanilla Yogurt, cantaloupe, filtered water
L~ Home made Chicken Soup, squash, corn on the cob, bread and butter, milk
S~ Kiwi, banana smoothies

Sorry about the blurry photos! Dave took night-sky pictures last night and I did not realize all the settings were changed this morning. I thought the camera was broken- talk about panic! LOL Luckily the lens just had to be taken off manual focus .... I do believe he scared me like this once before! "The Congo" was just too funny- totally spontaneous things they do that make my day! :-)

The "congo"

Sorry for the blur- the camera settings got changed

Ivy and Charli

Dr Addison taking care of her patient

Addison hammering, Ivy with the stethoscope and Lelia

Listening to her own heart

Lelia checking the babies temp



Lelia and Charli

AJ, Lelia, Ivy and Charli


The big girls giving the little girls a ride

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