Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Wednesday December 5, 2012

B~ Cheerios, cantaloupe, milk
S~ Cheddar cheese chunks, multi-grain Club crackers, filtered water
L~ Fresh baked chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, mixed veggies:broccoli, cauliflower, carrots; buttered multi-grain bread, milk
S~ Kiwi, Club crackers, filtered water

It was a busy day!
The sand in the sensory table was changed over to water. We read The Magic Dreidel The weather was great especially for December so we spent about an hour outside before coming in. David baked us a chicken this morning, The kids love telling him what a good cook he is :-)

Daniel, Charli, AJ, and Ivy

Dr Addison listens to Ivy's heart while Boog watches

Danny and Lelia


Ivy with the guitar

Addison making castles

AJ and Ivy

The sand was taken away and swapped for a  new bin with water



Addison, Lelia and Ivy

Danny drumming

Charli, Addison and Ivy

Snack time! Breakfast was so busy that I never took a photo!

"Cheers" and yes, this was their idea :-)


Come chase me Danny!


Addison with the kite


I held her hand after snapping this :-)

Off runs Danny!

AJ tried to help Boog

Boog said "no" and pushed AJ's hand away

And went down by herself!

Ivy and Charli


Lelia and Charli

Danny picks up a ball

Danny and Lelia


Addison mowing

Charli getting ready to throw the ball

Ivy, Lelia and Charli waiting for a turn

AJ, Daniel, Charli and Ivy

Addison joins Ivy

Danny took a break from running, to check out the car

Charli and Ivy made a game of scooping up handfuls of dirt

AJ laughing because she is playing dead :-)

Ivy hanging out with AJ


Reading books before lunch

Playing some music before lunch

Strolling with the baby before lunch

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