Friday, October 19, 2012

Friday October 19, 2012

B~ cheerios, fresh strawberries and milk
L~ grilled cheddar cheese sandwiches, veggie mix: broccoli, carrots, snap peas and water chestnuts, tomato soup and milk
S~ plums and banana smoothie

Today Addison asked to pour beans, which is a Montessori Practical Life activity. We had already watered the wilting houseplant, and this turned in to a morning of polishing, pouring and washing- and they loved it.  It always amazes me not only how much they enjoy these activities but that they ask to do them and stick with them for quite a long time.  As Charli and Ivy get older, I will love having these out on the shelves again :-)

We did get outside today but I did not bring the camera.

Lelia watering the very wilted houseplant

Phaedra watering- Lelia is tracing over the letters Phaedra made



Alanah with the guitar, Charli in the background

Charli with "baby Snow White"

AJ with the farm tractor

AJ pouring beans, she asked for this activity

Lelia polishing the silver tea set with toothpaste

Charli using a spoon to transfer beans from one cup to the other

Addison polishing

Ivy washing the babies, she was pouring water over them with the scoop

Lelia pouring water from the tiny china tea set

I changed over to clear cups so Charli could better see her results

Charli, Addison and Lelia with Ivy at the water table

Lelia transferring beans- the tray catches any mess

Charli and Ivy

Ivy gets her own set-up of the transferring activity

Now they are all at the table. These activities are extremely interesting to them

Since we had the water out, they washed the silver set

Charli and Ivy are still engrossed

I decided to move the activity to the floor since so many beans were being dropped

Ballerina Addison

Ivy and Addison dancing

Charli dancing with baby Snow White

Lelia dancing

The silver tea set all polished, washed and dried- see it gleam!

Lelia glues more colorful paper on to the toy pet carrier

Lelia's building

Ivy and Charli- in heels- with the toy garage

Addison gluing on more mosaics


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