Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Tuesday October 23, 2012

B~ Buttermilk pancakes, orange slices and milk
L~ scrambled eggs, spinach, carrots, bread and butter, and milk
S~ Gala apples and crackers

Today Addison and Lelia got out the bird stuffed animals and pretended they were the moms. We did some bean pouring and spooning activities and used some of the Montessori materials.

Outside we ran around the leaf labyrinth and filled the bird feeders. We sang "Old MacDonald Had a Halloween Party" at  his party were a ghost, princess, vampire, witch, werewolf, cowboy and a pumpkin :-)

Addison and Lelia with the birds, the baskets are their nests


Charli- her doll is in the middle of the trucks :-)

Brendan put together most of this world puzzle!

Addison spooning beans

Charli pours

Brendan and I put together the train track

Charli spoons


Brendan's turn with the bean transferring activity

Charli is still engrossed

Lelia checks to see if it is her turn yet

Addison with the train- they go in a circuit taking turns with the toys :-)

Charli plays with a truck while waiting her turn

Lelia spoons

Brendan's pink tower

Addison with the brown stair, Brendan and Charli

Lelia with the 3 Little Pigs story props

We've switched around again, Brendan has the shape stacker, Charli has the pink tower, it was already set up and  she liked taking the tiny centimeter  block off the top and placing it back on again

Addison adds people to the stair

Lelia asked for the purple box "because my purple really means blue"

Little Red Riding Hood and her basket of goodies

Charli at the piano

AJ, Boog, Lelia and all the beautiful flowers

Running around the leaf labyrinth

Charli, Addison and Lelia

Lelia and AJ

Brendan likes the big snow shovel

AJ, Lelia and Charli

Brendan joins them

We had scrambled eggs for lunch- Lelia uses the egg beater

Charli's turn

Brendan's turn

And Addison- our eggs were well beaten! :-)

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